Class phpPagination


File: phppagination.class.php

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Located in /phppagination.class.php (line 28)

Variable Summary
string $_delimiter
string $_first
string $_last
string $_next
number $_nTotalItems
number $_nTotalPages
string $_page
string $_prefix
string $_prev
string $_separator
string $_sHTML
string $_suffix
string $_type
Method Summary
phpPagination phpPagination (number $nTotalItems, [number $nItemsPerPage = 10], [array $options = NULL])
string GetHtml ([number $nCurrentPage = 1])
number GetTotalPages ()
void SetTotalItems (number $nTotalItems)
string $_current_page = '__PAGE_NUMBER__' (line 118)

class variable for template for output current page number

string $_delimiter = ' … ' (line 112)

class variable for delimiter between pagination parts (default ' ... ')

string $_first = '<a href="__PHP_SELF__?page=__PAGE_NUMBER__">&laquo;</a>' (line 82)

class variable for template for "first page" output (default '')

string $_last = '<a href="__PHP_SELF__?page=__PAGE_NUMBER__">&raquo;</a>' (line 88)

class variable for template for "last page" (default '>>')

number $_nCurrentPage = 1 (line 52)

class variable for number of current page

string $_next = '<a href="__PHP_SELF__?page=__PAGE_NUMBER__">&gt;</a>' (line 100)

class variable for template for "next page" (default '>')

number $_nItemsPerPage = 10 (line 40)

class variable for number of items per page

number $_nTotalItems = 0 (line 34)

class variable for number of total items

number $_nTotalPages = 1 (line 46)

class variable for number of total pages

string $_page = '<a href="__PHP_SELF__?page=__PAGE_NUMBER__">__PAGE_NUMBER__</a>' (line 124)

class variable for template for other page numbers

string $_prefix = '' (line 70)

class variable for template for header of pagination (default '')

string $_prev = '<a href="__PHP_SELF__?page=__PAGE_NUMBER__">&lt;</a>' (line 94)

class variable for template for "previous page" (default '<')

string $_separator = '&nbsp;' (line 106)

class variable for separator between page numbers (default ' ')

string $_sHTML (line 64)

class variable for output HTML string

string $_sPaginationCode (line 58)

class variable for string of pagination code

string $_suffix = '' (line 76)

class variable for template for footer of pagination (default '')

string $_type = 'phpBB' (line 130)

class variable for pagination type (in current version 'phpBB' only)

Constructor phpPagination (line 140)


  • access: public
phpPagination phpPagination (number $nTotalItems, [number $nItemsPerPage = 10], [array $options = NULL])
  • number $nTotalItems: total items
  • number $nItemsPerPage: items per page (default = 10)
  • array $options: options array (default = NULL)
GetHtml (line 171)

html generator for current pagination type

  • return: ready to output html code
  • access: public
string GetHtml ([number $nCurrentPage = 1])
  • number $nCurrentPage: current page number
GetTotalPages (line 189)

Get current value of total pages

  • return: of total pages
  • access: public
number GetTotalPages ()
SetTotalItems (line 200)

Set new value for total items

  • access: public
void SetTotalItems (number $nTotalItems)
  • number $nTotalItems: new value of total items

Documentation generated on Wed, 7 Mar 2007 00:17:12 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1